Website development in Poland Warsaw

Website development in Warsaw, Poland includes certain stages that will be covered in this article. Creating a website takes a lot of time, as the process is quite complex and labor-intensive. To create a website in Europe, you need to do more than just the programming and design. There are other processes that are carried out for high-quality website development.

Most web studios charge very high prices for website creation and development. They include in the price of website development even minor actions that do not require much effort. If the client is not very knowledgeable about websites, then he may be overcharged for services.

Therefore, in this article we will describe the main stages of creating a website in Warsaw so that you can get a complete picture of this process.

1. Conceptual idea of the site. At the initial stage of cooperation with the web studio, the basic concept of the site and its main task are determined. The target audience is determined, as well as the goals and purpose of the site itself. The semantic load of the site must fully correspond to the goals that future site owners want to achieve.

This stage is carried out through a two-way process, taking into account the wishes of the customer and the recommendations of the web studio. This stage of website creation is the basis for the terms of reference (TOR) and the website itself as a whole.

2. Terms of reference for the site. The terms of reference for the site are the main document that reflects the future processes of work on the site and describes the final result that the customer wants to achieve. This document underlies the development of the site and is a kind of guide that the site developers adhere to when creating a new project.

Therefore, the customer must carefully study this document at the initial stage of website development and take into account all his wishes so that the web studio can satisfy you as much as possible with the result of the work.

3. Website design. Website design development is the creation of the “face of the site.” The design must correspond to the theme of the site, as well as meet all the requirements and wishes of the customer.

4. Programming and page layout. This process remains behind the scenes of the customer, since only the programmer and page layout designer are responsible for this work. The client does not need to delve deeply into this work, since this is a technical aspect and is understandable only to specialists. When the site works properly and you have no complaints about its work, it means everything is done as it should be! )
If you have any questions regarding website development in Poland, our specialists will be happy to advise you!
