Creation of an information site in Europe Poland Warsaw.


What is the business card site, known not only businessmen and entrepreneurs, but also ordinary people. To order business card site is simple and easy - just find a web-studio. Creation of business card site is easy realizable task for professionals .
What does  a business card site represent and its purpose?

Business card site is a website, that consists of several pages. This site contains basic information about a company or entrepreneur. There are also located a profile information about goods and services, prices, photos, prices and contacts on the site .

Why do you need an information website in Europe Poland?

To create online business card - this means to declare about  yourself and your activities to millions of potential customers, who are users of the Internet and  daily search for goods and services in the network. Business card site is perfect for small businesses or entrepreneurs.

Most people think, that online business card is the site with limited functional capabilities. We would like to disabuse you in this! Web Studio Attimo offers complete multi-functional a business card site. In our submission a site card is an informational site with unlimited number of pages and menu items. You will be able to add photos and videos, as well as the information content - articles, comments, etc. The site will have a form of feedback.

What is the difference between business card site from a corporate site?

Business card site as opposed to a corporate site has a standard functionality. Web site design we agree with you, considering your wishes.

From which sections consists business card site?
1. Main page - there is located  basic information about your company and general information about your products / services.
2. Goods / services - this section assumes a complete and detailed information with photos and descriptions of your products or services. Here you can also specify a price.
3. News - this section inform your customers about the changes in your business.
4. Promotions - this section is  dedicated to the special offers of your company, as well as raffle prizes.
5. Contact information - feedback section.

Also, if you prefer, business card site can contain other sections, needed for conducting your business. We only describe the standard sections, that will fit for any type of activity.
Our web-studio is keeping pace with the time and therefore pays attention to the adaptability of business card site for mobile technologies. Indeed, the majority of Internet users use different devices - smartphones, tablets, etc. Therefore, your site must be displayed on mobile gadgets.

To buy online business card - this means to buy  round the clock effective advertising with unlimited territorial coverage of the target audience.
Examples of our work you can see here.

To buy a cheap business card site - is easy feasible task, simply to appeal to the specialists of our web studio. We will do you not inexpensive , attractive site with excellent functionality in a short time. You will be satisfied with the quality of our work, and our pleasant rates.